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Learning to Meal Prep

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Teaching children how to live a healthy lifestyle is much harder than just sending your children out to play during the day. Giving children a healthy foundation takes time, dedication, and a lot of teaching. Letting your children help with meal preparation is one of the easiest ways to teach them about healthy living habits. This can be difficult especially if your child is too small to reach the counter in the kitchen. Tim’s Unique Products has found a way to rectify this situation with the purchase of a personalized puzzle stool!

When your child lacks the height to reach up to a counter, there is no way for them to help with any type of meal preparation. Without learning where food comes from and how healthy food is prepared, a child may have a difficult time understanding the importance of healthy foods. The more practice that a child has with preparing and helping in the kitchen, the better they will be at cooking for themselves when they are out on their own. A personalized puzzle stool from Tim’s Unique Products will allow your child to gain height and help with crafting salads, stirring recipes, and serving food.

A child will be much safer on their very own personalized puzzle stool than they are teetering on a chair. The sturdy design of our personalized puzzle stool will allow your children years of use without the fear of breaking down. When you are ready to help your children learn to cook and meal prep, stop in to Tim’s Unique Products to order a name puzzle stool that they will cherish for many years!